In this
article I am going to present the history and (pseudo)science behind the
demonization of fat. What I am going to show is how a researcher’s bias can
play into the results of a study (or experiment). What followed from the
conclusions of that study is the fattening of America (and the rest of the
world) and the current state of obesity and heart disease around the world.
Early Work
It all began
in 1912 by a
Russian military doctor by the name of Nikolai N. Anichkov, who was the pioneer
in establishing the role of cholesterol in the formation of plaque in the
arteries. His theory stated that cholesterol alone was responsible for the
physical changes in the arterial walls that led to the subsequent development
of plaque.
His early work on Arteriosclerosis involved
putting rabbits on a diet of bacon and eggs and studying the changes in their
arterial walls from a period of 2 hrs to 1 yr.
This work titled “Inflammatory
changes in myocardium: apropos of myocarditis,” formed the crux of his
doctoral thesis which he successfully defended on 21st April, 1912.
This preliminary work in the experimental model of atherosclerosis was
considered a pioneering “classic” and was used by a great number of subsequent
researchers in the field.
The early work of
Anichkov was published in the Russian literature but his first English medical
literature publication was a chapter in Cowdry’s Arteriosclerosis in 1933[1]. Worldwide recognition of Anichkov’s
work came only after a science [2]
publication by Dr. John Gofman and his associates in 1950. Using Anichkov’s
experimental techniques they confirmed the fact that introducing cholesterol in
a rabbits diet rapidly led to atherosclerosis. They went a step further and
were able to use an ultracentrifuge (which was unavailable to Anichkov during
his time), and separate out the hypercholesteremic serum samples of their
cholesterol-fed rabbits into 2 distinct groups. The fraction that floated to
the surface of the serum sample was designated as low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol, and the fraction settled at the bottom was designated high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. They further went on to show that low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol is responsible for the rapid progression of
atherosclerosis. This created a great interest in the worldwide medical
community and a spate of research in cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis
Follow up work of Ancel Keys and the Lipid
Anichkov’s work, in 1952 a biochemist by the name of Ancel Keys came up with
the lipid hypothesis, which, simply stated that the amount of fat in ones diet
was directly correlated to the the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Seems pretty common sense, right? So in order to back-up his “hypothesis”, he
looked at epidemiological data from several populations across the globe to correlate
dietary fat intake to the incidence of CHD. This led to what was called the ‘7
countries study’ which was a landmark study that changed the course of health
for million to follow. The study involved looking at dietary habits of populations
from 7 countries (Japan, Italy, Canada, Australia, USA, England and Wales) and
the incidence of heart disease over period of a decade. The study didn’t
account for any other lifestyle variables like, smoking, exercise habits,
pollution levels, stress levels etc. Figure 1 shows the results of this study:
Figure 1. Correlation between CHD Vs. total fat
intake (%) in Ancel Keys 7 countries study. Red line is a linear
(least-squares) fit to the data.
From these
results it’s pretty obvious that the more fat one consumed the more the
likelihood for developing CHD. There is no disputing this data. But it didn’t
end there. Ancel keys further went on to ‘show’ with his data that the amount
of cholesterol in ones diet was directly correlated to the amount of dietary
fat and again to the incidence of CHD. This earned him the title of ‘monsieur
cholesterol’ and put him on the cover of Time magazine in 1961. He showed us the light and from there on began a
crusade to put an end to all fats especially animal (saturated) fats as they were
a rich source of cholesterol.
This landmark finding was hailed as the most important discoveries in the quest to end CHD. In fact it was so important that 211 prominent experts in the medical community’s were gathered in a conference in 1978[3] and asked if they thought cholesterol was the biomarker of CHD and 90% of them answered with a resounding ‘YES’! The National Institute of Health (NIH) held a conference in 1984 where they asked a panel of 14 experts if they thought blood cholesterol was the cause of CHD and weather reducing it would prevent heart disease, during which they voted with a unanimous “yes”. The panel further concluded [4]:
has been established beyond a reasonable doubt that lowering definitely
elevated blood cholesterol levels (specifically, blood levels of low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol) will reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by
coronary heart disease...
But little did they know that this was just
the beginning of CHD! This was just the tip of the iceberg!
The Trans-Fat Revolution
So from the
time Ancel Keys started his land mark study till now, deaths from CHD grew
600-fold, from 1 in a million to 600 in million! In the mean time the
banishment of all fat and cholesterol from diet led to the trans-fat revolution
and the low-fat fad. The gold rush had just begun!
The vegetable
oil companies that were looking to expand in the human consumption market
(before this most of the applications for vegetable oils was in the paints
industry) found a gold mine in this study. They then started promoting
hydrogenated fats which were vegetable oils with an extra hydrogen atom to make
the oil solid at room temperature. This gave the consumer the ‘taste’ of butter
(which was the fat of choice prior to this study) without having any of the
‘bad’ cholesterol. The other beneficiary of the results of this study was the
pharmaceutical industry that found another gold nugget, selling drugs to lower
lipid cholesterol levels. A $27 billion gold nugget to be exact (and it
continues to grow!). This started a whole new low-fat food revolution that
created factory foods where the calories from fat were replaced by calories
from simple carbs and sugars. This brings forth the third beneficiary of the
gold rush which was the American Heart Association (AHA) which started selling
the AHA label endorsements to the low-fat industry, certifying low-fat
So while the
pharmaceutical and vegetable oil industry and the AHA were reaping the benefits
of this gold rush, the consumer was losing all along. The consumer didn’t reap
any of the purported health benefits of the low-fat, cholesterol free products
and drugs these entities were peddling. Furthermore, the US Department of
Agriculture (USDA) was mandated with coming up with the recommended dietary
guidelines for the general population and they came up with the food pyramid in
the 1980’s which relied heavily on simple carbs from grains (at the bottom of the
pyramid) and put fat in the prohibited category (on top of the pyramid). This
was the turning point in the obesity epidemic, in that from there on the
general population started getting fatter and sicker. Americans today are 30
lbs heavier than they were before the USDA guidelines. The graph in figure 2 shows the trends in
obesity and the adoption of carbs (over fat) over the years following the 7
countries study.
Analysis and Discussion
So what went
wrong? Shouldn’t Ancel Keys’ study have unraveled the mystery of CHD? Or did he
completely misinterpret the data and some other variable confounded the results
of his study? Actually it was none of these. The whole thing started with a
wrong experiment and later on was reinforced by incomplete data and poor
science and then consensus was built around the faulty notion by the so called
medical “experts” and from there on this so called “fact” propagated time and
again until it reached epic proportions as we now see it. A quote from Joseph Goebbels aptly
sums it up:
“If you tell a
lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it...”
There were
three main reasons why this whole thing was wrong to begin with. And it wouldn’t
take a rocket scientist to figure out these inconsistencies in experimentation that
led to this sorry state of affairs (at at least for the consumer’s health). Let’s
delve into the simplistic early models and the methodology of the 7 countries
study. But before we go any further let me bring forth a few common sense
principles that all of us engineers and scientists have been taught to follow
during the course of any experimentation. It will all fall in place once you
hear me out.
1) The results of an experiment are only as good as
the model it is based upon.
For this let’s
step back to the original Nikolai Anichkov’s experiment of putting rabbits on a
diet of bacon and eggs. His model assumed that a rabbit’s body could be used to
simulate the effect of cholesterol on a human body. So while his interpretation
of the results of his tests was absolutely right, his model wasn’t a good
predictor of the effect of cholesterol on human body. He plugged the right
variables in the wrong equation! You see, rabbits are genetically adapted to a
zero cholesterol diet. Their diet is devoid of any cholesterol so their body
doesn’t adapt well to cholesterol in diet and will naturally lead to
inflammation and plaque formation in the arteries. Humans on the other hand are
omnivores that are genetically adapted (for over 140,000 years) to dietary
cholesterol, via meat and dairy, and so the effect of cholesterol on a human
body would be different from that of a Rabbit’s. Let me give you an example. I
propose a test where I put a lion on a diet of carrots and broccoli and see the
effect on its health. I am pretty certain that the lion will soon fall sick and
perhaps not last 1 year on that diet. So, am I to conclude that carrots and
broccoli are fatal to health? I am sure you get the point!
bias always has the potential to skew the results
Ancel keys
proposed the lipid hypothesis, but a hypothesis needs to be proved through
careful experimentation. But when an experimenter is so attached to his
hypothesis that he/she starts ‘expecting’ the results in alignment with his
hypothesis he only sees data that fits his hypothesis. This is exactly what
happened with Ancel Keys. He was so attached to his hypothesis that he only cherry
picked data from the 7 countries that fit his model. In fact during his time
there was epidemiological data available from 25 countries but he only chose
the data points that fit his hypothesis. Again to illustrate my point, let me
propose my own lipid hypothesis (call it the Yogi Lipid HypothesisJ) which states
that the more dietary fat one consumes the lower ones risk for CHD. I’ll go even
better than Ancel Keys and pick data from 8 countries (bigger sample size) and
show you the correlation. Figure 3 shows the results of my study:
Figure 3. Correlation between CHD Vs. total fat
intake (%) in Yogesh Verma’ 8 countries study. Green line is a linear
(least-squares) fit to the data.
From this data
it’s quite obvious that the more fat one consumed the less the likelihood of
developing CHD! Makes sense, right? My point being, that any scrupulous
researcher should consider all data before making any conclusions. Figure 4
shows the data from all 25 countries that were available to Ancel Keys.
Figure 4. Correlation between CHD Vs. total
fat intake (%) for all 25 countries. Blue line is a linear (least-squares) fit
to the data (left). Table showing the 25 country data (right)
Here, if you
look at the (blue) least squares fit it shows a flat line, i.e., no
correlation! The variation in the data is of a random variable! That’s exactly
right there is absolutely no correlation between the amount of dietary fat
consumed and the incidence of CHD! Hard to believe, eh? That’s because we have
been fed this utter non-sense about dietary fat and how it increases our
chances of developing CHD for so long that we have forgotten that the lipid
hypothesis was a hypothesis to begin with and it still is to this day. This
brings us to the third important failing point.
studies cannot be used to determine causal relationships.
studies (ES) are the observations of certain behaviors of populations in terms
of diet and other health habits. It is the cornerstone of public health
research and is used to determine the possible causes to a certain disease or
physical condition. ES alone cannot be used to determine a cause and effect
relationship between a variable and a particular disease (in our case fat/cholesterol
and CHD). At best the role of an ES is to link possible variables to a disease
and to form a hypothesis about the cause and effect, which then needs to be
verified through carefully designed controlled studies. For example in the 7
countries study (if that was the only data available) the data should have only
been used to formulate the lipid hypothesis. Ancel Keys should then have
conducted carefully controlled studies to determine the cause and effect
relationship between fat intake and CHD, not the other way around, i.e., assume
a causal relationship and then look for ES data that fits the hypothesis. The
data gathered in any ES can have a lot of confounding variables, like smoking
habits, drinking habits, socio-economic stresses, etc. that need to be carefully
eliminated in a well designed controlled study.
So the whole
fat and cholesterol hypothesis was wrong on three counts. It was driven by a
few powerful and influential people and organizations that had to prowess to
influence public policy decisions. It was built on consensus by the medical
community (AHA) “experts” and other NIH personnel because there was no science
to back it up. No one could have said it better than Michael Crichton (the
author of Jurassic Park):
I regard consensus science as an
extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks.
Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels;
it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled.
Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other,
reach for your wallet, because you're being had.
be clear: The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus.
Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only
one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has
results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science
consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest
scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the
is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If
it's science, it isn't consensus. Period. . . .
would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus
is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody
says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus
is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to
speak that way. ."
I am not
saying that the research community isn’t realizing the flaw with the lipid
hypothesis. A recent (Jan, 2010) meta-analysis of 21 cohort studies showed no
correlation between saturated fat intake and the incidence of CHD[5]. The
recent revision of the food pyramid to a “my plate” is evidence of this change.
The emphasis on whole grains and vegetables instead of just any carb is
evidence of this change. But fat still remains the pariah of the macro-nutrient
group and that needs to change. We have been lied to for the last half century
and that needs to stop! The medical and research community needs to come clean because thats the least they owe us.
Anichkov NN. Experimental
arteriosclerosis in animals. In: Cowdry EV, editor, Arteriosclerosis: A survey of the problem. New York: MacMillan
Publishing; 1933. p. 271-322.
Gofman JW, Lindgren F. The role of
lipids and lipoproteins in atherosclerosis. Science 1950;111:166-71.
3) Norum
KR (1978). "Some present concepts
concerning diet and prevention of coronary heart disease.". Nutr
Metab 22 (1): 1–7. PMID
4) from NIH
Consensus Development Conference, JAMA 1985, 253:2080
Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the
association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease, Patty W Siri-Tarino, Qi Sun, Frank B Hu, and Ronald M Krauss, Am J
Clin Nutr doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.27725.